Difficult Aspects in a Composite Chart
Composite Chart
Let’s start with What is a Composite Chart?
A composite chart is a tool used in Astrology to understand the dynamics of a RELATIONSHIP. A composite chart = is the 2 charts blended to ONE chart! In a composite chart, A NEW CHART is created which represents the energy of the relationship itself.
A composite chart reveals how you come together as a couple and how your relationship will PROGRESS. A composite chart can provide insights into the unique qualities and challenges of the relationship, as well as the overall purpose and potential of the union.

** You can calculate your composite chart on most astrology website, my favourite is astro-seek, click here, to calculate your composite chart.
Synastry Chart
A synastry chart on the other hand, is where two charts are placed on top of one another, & is used to examine the relationship between the two & how they affect one another individually.
It compares the positions of two people’s planets and other astrological points to gain insight into the dynamics of their relationship. The chart is created by superimposing one person’s birth chart over the other person’s birth chart, highlighting the points where their planets are in close proximity to each other.
I’ve previously discussed the two along with the D9 chart & their importance when looking at love & relationships, check my previous posts below:
** You can calculate your synastry chart on most astrology website, my favourite is astro-seek, click here, to calculate your synastry chart.
This post will be about the most difficult & challenging aspects one can find in a composite chart. However, keep in mind this is NOT a complete list.

POSITIVE ASPECTS (EASY) = usually are, Conjunct, trine, sextile
NEGATIVE ASPECTS (HARD) = usually are, opposition or square in Synastry or composite
Note, that the chart needs to be looked at as a whole, you can not look at just one aspects, even if it’s major to dictate the fate of the relationship. Best to consult an Astrologer who can look at this for you & to also give you an objective view.
The List
Sun Square or Opposite Pluto:
- This shows what transformation we will cause on each other & hard aspect can be very hard & stressful, there will be difficulties & hardships. This is a very hard aspect & will cause a lot of challenges, stress & clashes, & because there is Pluto, there is an obsessive element to it. Sometimes it can work, if it’s an opposition, but if it’s a square it is less likely.
Sun Square Mars:
- The couple will fight & want to win, more heated exchanges & competition & the need to prove to one another. Our confidence & ego get in the way & we find each other irritating. It’s DIFFICULT AS THE EGOS ARE CLASHING, they are competing with each other.
Inner Planets with hard aspect to Neptune:
- or too many easy Neptune aspects. We need some dose of Neptune, its an opioid. People get addicted to Neptune, as it’s what connects us to one. We can’t have hard aspects between Neptune & inner planets. Too much Neptune is all that Twin flame BS. So need to be careful with that, falling in love blindly & not seeming the relationship for what it is. You can’t talk with someone, or its very hard to, for someone who has strong Neptune Pluto aspect.
Sun Neptune Square:
- Dependency on each other & wanting to be saved.
Mars hard aspects to Uranus:
- What we put our energy into, isn’t aligning. A lot of inflexibility, we are not impulsive on the same things, e.g. where we want to go for motivation & things that move us.
Moon in hard aspects to Pluto:
- There are themes of power & insecurity attached to our hidden & most attached parts.
Venus in hard aspect to Pluto:
- There are issues of material possessions & resources. The two are not agreeing in what they both value in life.
Mars & Pluto hard aspect:
- Competitive to one another, they react & there is a lot of irritation to one another. Can have struggle & lead to a lot of resentment & if dealt with from a immature place this can lead to a lot of problems & can even reach disgust & when you get there you can never be back. We can struggle that we both end up resenting each other. It’s a difficult aspect but does transform (Pluto).

Saturn hard Sun:
- Timing can be largely off, geography, differences in with what each want. They have to time it, Saturn is long term timing, so this might be a big problem, both our timing, can be off. that means we have different ways or living – different lifestyles. We need to understand & remember we get into relationship because they bring or add things to our life, its not just feelings.
Mars hard to Saturn:
- They are sexual difficulties – Mars is our combined aggression.
Saturn in hard to Ascendent:
- There is a formality struggle to move, get on things, even a hard way in handling the relationship. It even may manifests as, no show/display of love & affection to each other on daily basis. Like a business way of handling the relationship.
Saturn in hard aspect to MC:
- Goals are different not going same direction.
Saturn in hard aspect to IC:
- Complex hard on home life
Sun in hard aspect to Uranus:
- Different hopes & dreams. Our dreams & meaning our life differ. We shouldn’t give up our faith & meaning of life for the sake of the other person, this can lead to problems later.
Sun in-conjunct OR hard aspect to Jupiter:
- Different hopes, dreams, beliefs & meaning of life . Different cultural beliefs & understanding of religion.
Moon hard Saturn:
- How open we are with one another & feeling of responsibility for one another.
NOTE: Square doesn’t mean right away is bad, it just we have to make some changes, we have to be flexible people. Two extreme traditional people won’t be able to make it.
Relationship are there to enhance our life not become our life.
Useful Links:
- click here to calculate your Birth chart chart.
- click here to calculate your D9 chart.
- click here to calculate your synastry chart.
- click here to calculate your composite chart.
& here you have it.
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Lots of love,
Astro Arwa (Arwa Ali)