Cheating Aspects in Synastry & Composite
Composite Chart
Let’s start with What is a Composite Chart?
A composite chart is a tool used in Astrology to understand the dynamics of a RELATIONSHIP. A composite chart = is the 2 charts blended into ONE chart! In a composite chart, A NEW CHART is created which represents the energy of the relationship itself.
A composite chart reveals how you come together as a couple and how your relationship will PROGRESS. A composite chart can provide insights into the unique qualities and challenges of the relationship, as well as the overall purpose and potential of the union.
** You can calculate your composite chart on most astrology websites, my favorite is Astro-seek, Click here, to calculate your composite chart.

Synastry Chart
A synastry chart, on the other hand, is where two charts are placed on top of one another, & is used to examine the relationship between the two & how they affect one another individually.
It compares the positions of two people’s planets and other astrological points to gain insight into the dynamics of their relationship. The chart is created by superimposing one person’s birth chart over the other person’s birth chart, highlighting the points where their planets are in close proximity to each other.
I’ve previously discussed the two along with the D9 chart & their importance when looking at love & relationships, Check my previous posts below:

You can calculate your synastry chart on most astrology websites, my favorite is Astro-seek, Click here, to calculate your synastry chart.
Useful Links:
- click here to calculate your Birth chart chart.
- click here to calculate your D9 chart.
- click here to calculate your synastry chart.
- click here to calculate your composite chart.
This post will be about “Cheating Aspects in Synastry & Composite” – However, keep in mind this is NOT a complete list.
The List
- Sun Square Moon
The number 1 indicator of the affair, is the sun square the moon especially in a composite!!! it shows that the man & woman are going after different things
- Sun/Moon/ Mars/Venus in 12H
Sun, Moon, Mars & especially Venus in the 12H = because it is the house of hidden, secret things & also the house of hidden things. Especially if you have Venus/moon in the 12H natally! these people struggle to express their love naturally, they struggle to do so, easily with others, thus Most people in this position find it easier to express their sexual nature when it is a secret.
- Venus/Mars Square the Ascendant
- Composite Venus/Mars Square the ascendant or inconjunct, especially if it is in the 8H
- Mars/Pluto inconjunct natal ascendent
Someone’s natal Mars/Pluto inconjunct their natal ascendant = thus their sexual nature, comes out in affairs because this is the only way they can see/meet their Mars/Pluto & are able to wrestle with it. These people are more orientated to show in a secretive way.
- Personal Planets in Pisces
Personal planets in Pisces = Venus, Mars, = their needs are not clearly expressed
- Neptune in heavy contact with some Mars, Venus, Moon
- Mars square Neptune
Mars square Neptune in composite chart = the sexuality is unusual, 1 way is lying & cheating, sometimes, this shows people are weakening each other.
- Mars square Neptune & Mars rules the 8H
Mars square Neptune & Mars rules the 8H = this shows a man who has a very very secretive sexual nature, which is very odd, and where there is some kind of sexual addiction, inappropriate sexual contact, & where drugs & substances need to be used
- Mars squares Neptune in a woman & men
= usually shows someone who was sexually abused in early childhood, or the father figure was really inappropriate, in a woman it can show a different sexual nature.
- Mars opposite Neptune
= is really common in lesbian
But often Mars Square Neptune shows someone who was sexually abused – 90% of the time but got to look at other aspects in the chart too.
- Mars square Neptune in a female chart:
Especially in 12H or in retrograde of in weak sign Pisces, cancer can show as her man has these issues. She’s projecting these on her men and sees them as having inappropriate drive.
- Venus in aspect to Pluto
Another one is Venus in aspect to Pluto = because it has a secretive influence
- Venus in aspect to Uranus
= explorative nature
- Mars conjunct Uranus in the composite chart
Mars conjunct Uranus in composite chart = this is a common one of someone who started a relationship when they were involved & here you have it.
Useful Links:
- click here to calculate your Birth chart chart.
- click here to calculate your D9 chart.
- click here to calculate your synastry chart.
- click here to calculate your composite chart.
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Lots of love,
Astro Arwa (Arwa Ali)