Solar Eclipse in Scorpio

Solar Eclipse in Scorpio: 25th October 2022

What is an Eclipse?

An eclipse is an obscuring of the light from one celestial body by the passage of another between it and the observer or between it and its source of illumination.

Eclipses are a time for exponential growth.

Eclipses are a time of rapid change, either from external or internal circumstances

Eclipses lead to dramatic and unavoidable shake-ups in our lives, and we often finally get the push to leave behind what we’ve outgrown and embrace a new beginning.


Lunar eclipses always occur at the same time as a full moon

A lunar eclipse is when the Earth passes between the Moon & the Sun. The Earth’s shadow absorbs the moon or a portion of it

A solar eclipse is when the moon passes between the Earth & the sun, blocking all or a portion of the sun.

The New moon represents the start of a new lunar cycle and occurs approximately every 29 days. When there is a new moon, the Earth, moon & sun are positioned in line. The moon orbits the Earth once a month & eclipses happen if it lines up exactly with the Earth & the sun. Solar eclipses occur at the new moon when the moon is between the earth and the sun. Eclipses do not take place every month, because the orbits of the moon and earth are tilted at an angle.

Lunar eclipse = Night of FULL MOON = Earth is between Moon & Sun

Solar Eclipse = Night of NEW MOON = Moon is between Earth & Sun

The Solar eclipse always manifests something tangible, whereas, the lunar eclipse is always emotional, & the total effect of the eclipse will usually have both tangible and inner aspects.

Depending on which house the eclipse falls on, in your chart it will affect each person differently… do you know your birth chart & where today’s Scorpio Solar Eclipse falls in 25/10…

For example, If an eclipse happens within 5 degrees of your ascendant, your life will change in a big way. This is most relevant for your Natal ascendant, as it is related to your destiny.

Things Likely to Happen if it falls on your Ascendant:

Moving to a place you have never lived in before

Entering a new school or place of work that is like nothing you have experienced before

Having experiences you’ve never had before.

Having “firsts”: First kiss, first own apartment, etc.

Renewing your life suddenly and completely

Things Likely to happen if it falls on your ascendant:

Moving to a familiar place, or to your family

Entering a familiar work or school environment

Concluding a familiar stay

Going back to familiar experiences

Releasing your current environment and life circumstances

Giving up something in your environment or circumstances for something more familiar

I am going to share how the eclipse will affect everyone based on your rising/ascendant sign, Starting with:

  • Scorpio Rising – 1st House = This Solar eclipse is a rebirth. This eclipse falls on my rising & conjunct exactly my sun. I’ve been going through a huge transformation & rethinking my own identity & how I want to been seen, my image, physically & also my role in society.
  • Libra Rising – 2nd House = The effects of an eclipse on your possessions. Possibly a new beginning when it comes to resources, materials & finances. Maybe a new source of income, possibly acquired through your own efforts & talents.
  • Virgo Rising – 3rd House = The focus is on intellectual and communicative needs. Sales/teaching/social media, more communication through various ways & even short travels.
  • Leo Rising – 4th House = This Solar eclipse could be a life-changing event. It is all the more potent if it triggers any personal planets in this house of your roots, father, and property. (Check house 4 and its ruler.) What this period will bring up for you then is any childhood wounds that have not been addressed. If you had a dysfunctional upbringing then this period can be very challenging.
  • Cancer Rising – 5th House = a beginning when it comes to your creativity, what makes your inner child happy, maybe even a pregnancy or the birth of a child or a project!
  • Gemini Rising – 6th House = The focus is on personal health, employment environments, and job relationships. A positive response to the Solar Eclipse typically results in better health and nutritional practices. The
  • Taurus Rising – 7th House = The focus is on one-to-one human interaction at a personal level and a business level. For some, it’s a new relationship, marriage, new business partnerships.
  • Aries Rising – 8th House = The focus is on sharing material, physical, and/or inner spheres. Maybe a new interest in the occult, hidden knowledge. Extreme conditions, transformation & drastic changes.
  • Pisces Rising – 9th House = During Solar Eclipse’s influence, higher education, cultural expansion, and travel experiences play a part in the individual’s exploration of wisdom and truth.
  • Aquarius Rising – 10th House = The focus is on career advancement and social reputation.
  • Capricorn Rising – 11th House = The focus is on society and the human race. Group interests and organizational involvement become more significant in one’s life.
  • Sagittarius Rising – 12th House = The focus is on psychological development and spiritual growth.

So do you know your birth chart? Your 12 houses? Need help in figuring out which house this eclipse falls on, in your chart? Do you want a PDF with all the eclipse dates from now till 2024? DM me!

Astro Arwa

Astro Arwa

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My name is Arwa Ali and I am here to share with you my knowledge of all things Astrology.

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