
Scorpio Sun (23 Oct  – 21 Nov):

  • Scorpios are intense, determined, and secretive. They have a deep desire for transformation and are often drawn to uncovering hidden truths.
  • Positive Traits: Intense, determined, loyal, and perceptive.
  • Negative Traits: Jealous, secretive, vengeful, and possessive.
  • Compatibility: Scorpio is most compatible with other water signs (Cancer, Pisces) and can form a strong bond with earth signs (Taurus, Virgo & Capricorn).
  • Scorpio Countries/cities: Turkey, Holland, Angola, Morocco, Queensland, Korea, Syria, Norway, the Transvaal, Bavaria, Antigua, Bermuda, Cambodia, Dominica, Latvia, Lebanon, Micronesia, Panama. Turkey, Turkmenistan, Zambia, Baltimore, Cincinnati, New Orleans, Liverpool, Newcastle, Washington DC.


Scorpio Rising

Their body is sturdy & often have wide strong shoulders. They are well build & very resistant. You can recognize a Scorpio by their eyes – their eyes are very penetrating, its like they can see through your soul. They can have the most outstanding facial features, not the size but more like of penetrating strong features – strong jawline. Abundance of body hair, especially in men. The tend to also have oily skin, which can cause acne in teens. Sexy voice & commanding. Overall, intense and magnetic & have an aura of power.


They give an impression, of POWER, SECRECY & SERIOUSNESS all at the same time. This a very seductive sign! They health can be extremely sturdy, like Capricorn, they are very resistant & can recover quickly. However, they are prone to accidents. Scorpio rules the sexual organs, so this is a sensitive & an area of a body that they need to take care of.


Nicole Kidman


Natalie Portman
Astro Arwa

Astro Arwa

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My name is Arwa Ali and I am here to share with you my knowledge of all things Astrology.

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