Saturn in Houses: Saturn Astrology

Saturn Through the Houses

Wherever Saturn is, this is where we have difficulties, this is usually something we will have until 30/35, something you have abused in your past life. Where Saturn is, it shows our biggest insecurity & our weaknesses. What we are here to master & shouldn’t give up on, Saturn is in that area of life to teach you to discipline & perseverance.

Wherever Saturn is we have resistance, restrictions & struggles but as we age we learn to tackle these things & For some, this becomes what we end up mastering in our lifetime.

Please do NOT be discouraged by the information in this post, it might all seem negative but this is because we are talking about our insecurities, & where we lack confidence! Saturn is here for us to master in this life, it is our greatest teacher. Saturn is not all BAD – there are benefits to Saturn too! I couldn’t write everything about each house, there is so much we could discuss about each house, but for now, I hope this gives you an idea of what to expect from Saturn in your chart.


Saturn in 1st House:

Saturn in 1st house is the house of self, physical appearance & the body. Saturn here manifests as a restricting body & smaller body. These people are likely to be very shy & awkward when they are young, problems with their confidence in early life. Saturn here also brings delay in the person’s growth. However, the person will become more confident in themselves after 30 when Saturn Matures. Often this position leads to compensating by overdoing & sharing how great your life is. These people usually feel unlucky in their life. However, the bonus of Saturn being here, is that they age gracefully & often look younger than their actual age! They preserve their features. They have enormous self-discipline. They need to feel a sense of control. Their childhood had much more responsibilities than others. Delay in success and everything they want in life, these people often feel cursed but Saturn here just teaching them self-discipline & perseverance. Must be careful with their physical body, they will learn to take care of it as they get older. These people will struggle if they try to take shortcuts, they must learn to do things the right way or they will fall. This also applies to Capricorn as Saturn rules them!


Saturn in 2nd House:

Saturn in 2nd house is the house of material security resources & tradition. These people are conscious & focused on finances & resources. However, Saturn here brings delays in the area. Until 30/35. These people must learn to manage their finances & resources. These people are usually more responsible. These people may overcompensate by overworking & just focusing on money as this is what they are most insecure about & what gives them a sense of security the most. 2nd house is also self-worth & thus the 1st 30-35 years the person lacks self-love. Advice here: These people do well having regular meals, small meals not big and these people are likely to do really well fasting!


Saturn in 3rd House:

Saturn in 3rd house is the house of communication siblings & intellectual minds. Saturn here, indicates karma with siblings, from past life, these people might have karma with relatives too. If not, it could be playmates, work, in groups, etc These people likely feel misunderstood, not heard, and not valued especially with their communication/voice. For example, in past life perhaps their friends, siblings, and parents ignored them, they didn’t pay attention to what they had to say, so they came in this lifetime, thinking what’s the point, “Whatever I say it doesn’t matter”. These people might even feel like others are laughing at whatever they say, they might also have struggled in school because of their communication or felt judged in their early years. The best way to deal with this is to face it, They can make it their job, their mission to master, once you master Saturn you can master anything. So push through, knowing this now, should put them at ease, They’re not stupid & their communication is not flawed! They need to become confident with this and think less, this placement makes people overthink a lot! & Whenever they feel or want to make a decision it is hard for them to decide as they are often full of doubt. They are overloaded with information, they need to realize that sometimes you just need to go for it, and you won’t figure things out in your head. Also, they may feel clumsy with their hands, but learning hands craft will give them a sense of achievement. Very self-critical people. Likely to worry a lot. These people don’t like to take part in small talk, they like deep conversations.


Saturn in 4th House:

Saturn in 4th house is the house of the soul & heart. Is that house of happiness & Saturn is where we feel separated. Saturn causes the person to be more prone to depression, these people also struggle to feel connected. In early life, these people may have had a very strict upbringing, & likely didn’t feel loved by the mother or the parental figure. Often these people have a lot of responsibility & karma with the parents, family, even if they have tried to leave them & move far away, something makes them come back & in extreme cases, they might have to take care of their parent/s. These people are also here to learn about agriculture, property, and land. They can pay their karma by taking care of their parents or even making this their work/career i.e. real estate, property management, or family-related careers. These people often have a lot of responsibility for their family & they feel they have a lot of work to do with them. They are here to heal & work on their ancestry & family Karma. Advice: Take on gardening.


Saturn in 5th House:

Saturn in 5th house is our creative urges. How we express them and how confident we feel to express them. Having Saturn here shows that there is a restriction, maybe in your earlier life your creativity was dismissed, and your ability to be yourself was rejected or dismissed. Your fun, child self was not celebrated, possibly in your childhood. Even if the parents didn’t block it, it is something you were born with. There is a block until your 30/35 years. There is a restriction, maybe something happened when you were a child & blocked you as it was a big blow to your ego. These people tend to stick with the ones they date, they don’t feel so confident when it comes to love life and so they are likely to stick with whoever they are seeing because they don’t want to keep exposing themselves, their fun side, their true selves as it’s something they don’t feel secure about. You can become a master of art & control creative things because you will work really hard in this area, as it’s something you lack confidence in. E.g. organizing parties & wedding planners, and creative projects. Saturn in the 5th house also indicates, delays when it comes to having children, later 30/35, might even experience loss of a child or miscarriage. Also, this is likely to bring you more painful relationships than joyful ones!


Saturn in 6th House:

Saturn in 6th house is the house of service, health, daily routine & work!! Having Saturn here will make the person a workaholic, even if they don’t want they will have a lot of work, changes & difficulties in work & their jobs. The person will likely have issues when it comes to their work, maybe a difficult workplace or a difficult boss. Work is challenging for them. This is because, in a past life, the person might have abused their power & was treating their workers unfairly & maybe abusive. Thus in this lifetime, they are here to pay their karma back. This house is also the house of daily routine & health. Thus the person may have restrictions when it comes to changing their routine & even their health. Health issues here are likely to be the kidneys & stomach, but this may be different depending on the sign in this house. Cleanliness & order is really important for their people. Health & diet is also important & this might come after a health problem.


Saturn in 7th House:

Saturn in 7th house is the house of relationships, marriage & business agreements. Maybe in a past life, you broke your promises to business or marriage partners, thus in this lifetime, you will have karma to pay back in this area. Relationships romantic & business may be problematic for you until after the age of 30/35! These people are better off getting married after the age of 30! Relationships will get better as they age & as they learn the art of relationships, fair equal relationships. Saturn here also shows that the person is likely to marry someone who is much older than them, they might also end up with someone who is Saturnian! This means their partner will be conservative, maybe strict & rigid. When these people enter a relationship, they don’t easily let it go. They are likely to have few long relationships. The person here will learn & become more disciplined through relationships.


Saturn in 8th House:

This is the most difficult position of Saturn. Saturn in 8th house is the house of emotional security. People in this position lack emotional security, they are likely to form addictions & compulsive behavior as this position makes them quite vulnerable. The more evolved the person is, or as they mature, they seek an understanding of this position, so they might get into psychology and astrology to understand their blockages. The person here is likely to experience blockages when it comes to intimacy, or connecting with others. Merging with others. The 8th house is also the house of finances of the other partner. Thus people with this position, often are unable to receive from their partner financially. There is also some restriction when it comes to their partner’s resources. If you trying to be a gold digger this won’t work for you! Lol Also these people struggle to ask for help from others. They end up giving more than receiving but this gets better after the age of 30!


Saturn in 9th House:

Saturn in 9th house is the house of beliefs, education & spirituality. These people often struggle with their beliefs, with god, with their spirituality. These people have either been brought up in a nonbelief in God household, so they deny their existence of God, or they were brought up in a very strict religious household. They have a lot of fears & beliefs that make them live in fear or guilt, e.g. you will burn in hell if you do this or that, etc. Regarding their upbringing these people end up disconnecting from God & denying its existence, They might resent it for a while, but later in life they end up coming back. They return after they have researched & explored different beliefs & religions. They end up coming back to ancient knowledge, and ancient religion. The 9th house is the house of all knowledge but ultimately it is the house of higher knowledge & spirituality. These people are disconnected from moral beliefs, what’s right & what’s wrong but eventually, they end up learning these things the hard way. Finding god for these people is their life lifelong journey, that takes a lot of discipline & hard work. Many with this position have a strict father or an absent father. They have a lot of karma with father figures & teachers.


Saturn in 10th House:

One of your struggles or big lessons in this life is work, your status, and your career. But this is what you will be also known for, you will be known & viewed for the work that you choose to do in the world. 10th house is your career, your achievements in the world. However since Saturn is restrictions & delays, you will experience a lot of delays when it comes to your career & status. It also shows the father, the father is likely someone the person looks up to despite them being very strict. This placement manifests with the person being afraid to go out in the world & achieve things, this is a difficult placement for men. But with age, the person will slowly be able to tackle their fears of putting themselves out there & in many cases if they keep pushing through they will achieve high status in society. People with Libra, Capricorn or Aquarius do really well, all signs can but these 3 do the best.


Saturn in 11th House:

Saturn in 11th house is friends, happiness from friendships & happy relationships are delayed. The 1st 30 years are hard, but after your Saturn return, you will do really well, with money, friends, and well-known, work in the economic profession, governments, and large institutions. You have a lot of karma, to give back to society. At the beginning of life, you might have felt alienated, outcast, or restricted, from others, however as you get older you will master this & you will accept these things about yourself. You are here to work on a cause, work for people who might be unrepresented, you are able to be a great leader for those who can’t speak for themselves. If you work on this and realize how powerful this position is, you can use it to your advantage. You are a visionary, work with other people, and don’t be so stuck in your own ways. You have a unique mind, are able to see things before others, you can lead a movement, know this instead of thinking you are weird or an outcast.


Saturn in 12th House:

Your karma is the block of letting go of things, you struggle to let go of things, and you do not know what you should keep & let go. It would help if you learned to release things, you might feel stuck in some areas, which blocks you from moving forward. You might have a lot of negative emotions, but you do not know where they come from. For some, I recommend you see a therapist, as this will help you understand your beliefs & subconscious thoughts come from & understand them. You might have nightmares often. Negative emotions? And/Or Fearful of being alone. Normally these people have a block when it comes to spirituality.

& here you have it.

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Astro Arwa (Arwa Ali)

Astro Arwa

Astro Arwa

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