Moon Series: Moon in Astrology
The Moon in Astrology
The placement of the Moon in the birth chart tends to describe your emotional life, feelings, desires, and all the stuff going on below the surface that might not be apparent, even to you.
Your Moon sign is perhaps your clearest indicator as to the workings of your inner world.
The moon in your birth chart also, shows how we perceive our mother, what the relationship was like, and how we received nurturing.
This Post will Briefly Describe, What the Moon Through Each of the 12 Houses Show.
Difference between Planets, Signs & Houses:
- Planets show us what is happening;
- Signs show us how it is happening;
- Houses show us where it is happening.
The Moon Through the Houses:
Moon in 1st House:
The moon in 1st house is you, your body, yourself, and the moon’s qualities are the infant of your face. The person will be more rounded, for women will be more feminine, or rounded faces. They are likely to hold on to water, and water retention, the person will be highly nurturing and caring, and mother to others around them. The person is very sensitive & emotional, not weak. You will make great art and music. The face will change and man is likely someone who you can have a shoulder to cry on. Also, the moon rules the sea & water, They are more likely to have a career in the ocean and/or travel a lot. Also when they have a family they will be very a family person. The mother of this person is a very important & major figure most likely, Check aspects!
Moon in 2nd House:
Moon in 2nd House is the most traditional house of values & stability. Things that give them stability are home, family & financial security. For such people, without money, they might not feel stable. These people have a desire & need to be comfortable in life, material comfort is important. 2nd house also rules food, luxury, and the sensual things in life. These people have a strong need to be provided for, do not mistake this, for being a gold digger, no that’s not what I am saying, these people simply value comfort and a home based very highly. The moon also represents the mother, the nurturing figure when young, the mother was a traditional mother with traditional values.

Moon in 3rd House:
The Moon in the 3rd House emphasizes emotional connections to communication, learning, and immediate surroundings. These individuals may have a deep emotional need for intellectual stimulation and may express their emotions through writing, speaking, or other forms of communication.
Moon in 4th House:
The Moon in the 4th House is considered a strong placement as it represents the natural ruling house of the Moon. This position emphasizes the importance of family, home, and emotional security. These individuals may have a strong connection to their roots and find solace and comfort in their domestic environment.
Moon in 5th House:
Very lucky & happy position for the moon, most of the time. These people are comfortable being playful, the center of the stage, and the entertainment, they are not afraid to express their emotions. They are very emotionally attached to their hobbies, these people need time to do their creative hobbies. This is super important to them, if they feel unhappy, find out what is it they enjoy. Their mom may have displayed such qualities: center of attention, beautiful, playful, flirtatious.
Moon in 6th House:
6H is purification, order & cleanses. If these people don’t feel balanced, their emotions are wack. They need to clean their house and put order in their life, They often clean/fast/detox, if they don’t already do these things then they should do so & as it will make them feel better. They worry a lot, especially Capricorn Moon. Sauna, purification, going to the gym, being healthy & being of service is really important for them. If they do not take care of your body, they are likely to get ill easily. 6H rules, arguments, enemies, so they might have had to go through a lot of challenges & arguments with others. Also, the mother might have become an enemy to them. They’re very perfectionists! Very critical of themselves. They notice a lot of imperfection & disorder around you.
Moon in 7th House:
Very much nurturing others & sometimes even end up staying in abusive relationships that are toxic, out of fear of not being alone. These people are rarely single, they are emotionally attached, they have a high emotional need to connect with others, and they feel most comfortable when they are in a relationship. Their emotional well-being is dependent on their partner/life partner, if they are not happy is because of their partner. They care so much about what others think of them and their relationships. The details of their intimate lives may be well-known to others. Usually, they will end up with someone who is overly protective who tells them what to do, and an imaginative partner.

Moon in 8th House:
tendency to be a moody person, with violent moods, not necessarily physical but inside. The 8th house is a self-destructive house, thus tendencies to do such things. The moon also shows the mother, the mother is subjected to violent mood changes and sudden outbursts, and the mother may be even self-destructive. The mother may be an extreme, somehow problematic, complex, manipulative, psychological person, or hidden private person. They are also more drawn to hidden things, occult, Astrology, and Tarot cards. They are also likely to feel things very deeply, super psychic, and feel things before they happen. They have the ability to sense when things are about to change. They will be able to not react when crises occur, and even help their friends who might be going through a lot of crises. Strongly aware of the weaknesses of others.
Moon in 9th House:
The Moon in the 9th House highlights the emotional connection to higher learning, philosophy, travel, and spirituality. These individuals may have a strong emotional need to expand their horizons and may find emotional fulfillment through exploring new cultures, beliefs, or spiritual practices.
Moon in 10th House:
The Moon in the 10th House emphasizes emotional fulfillment through career and public recognition. These individuals may have a strong emotional need for success and may find emotional security in their professional achievements. They may also be nurturing and supportive leaders.
Moon in 11th House:
Moon in the 11th house is the house of gains, these people will have an emotional need to be successful, gainful & useful. 11th house rules society & friends. Thus these people will also have an emotional need to have friends. They need to be in communities with others. They naturally can make connections with others & be part of communities. Great when it comes to careers that involve networking – often they will have great connections & connections with big earners & they themselves can become big earners if that’s what they want. Being a loner is not the best for you, even though that’s what might happen, but really deep inside, they need to find connections.
Moon in 12th House:
Moon in the 12th House is a very psychic & spiritual house, These people will be very drawn to these things. The moon is already sensitive, & being here makes it even more sensitive. You could be sitting in a train & all of a sudden you feel drained because someone around you feels this way. These people do not show their own feelings. They have psychic abilities & able to tune into other’s feelings. They are very good & love to sacrifice for others. This is also one of the positions of expats, these people often tend to live far away from home. Here the mother was maybe not present, or maybe foreign. She was more withdrawn & internal. Maybe she was missing, more vulnerable, or private, emotional & sensitive, or living in a victimized state.

& here you have it.
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Lots of love,
Astro Arwa (Arwa Ali)