
Capricorn Sun (22 Dec – 19 Jan):

  • Capricorns are responsible, disciplined, and ambitious. They have a strong work ethic and often strive for success and recognition.
  • Positive Traits: Ambitious, disciplined, responsible, and practical.
  • Negative Traits: Pessimistic, rigid, cold, and overly focused on material success.
  • Compatibility: Capricorn is most compatible with other earth signs (Taurus, Virgo) and can also connect well with water signs (Cancer, Scorpio).
  • Capricorn countries/cities: Australia, India, Bulgaria, UK, Albania, Afghanistan, Lithuania, India, Bosnia, Brunei, Czech Republic, Haiti, Nauru, Slovakia, Sudan, Brandenberg, Brussels, Oxford, Ghent, Delhi, Mexico City, Port Said


Capricorn Rising

There’s a sense of purpose and determination in their physical presence, often with a reserved and mature demeanor. Generally their body is slim to average. The chest area is flat & the body is generally lean, especially the upper body.


The facial features are often small & fine – but they have deep serious eyes. The skin often is darker than anyone else in the family & tend to be dry. Love to wear dark colors & their style is serious & have a business look.


Even though they might have a frail appearance, they have a strong nature. This is the sign that lives the longest (as its ruled by Saturn). As they get older they get healthier – they also look better & age gracefully. They have strong self-control, thus they don’t suffer from diseases that comes excess.

Capricorn Rising people: Naomi Campbell, Megan Fox, Sophie Loren, Queen Elizabeth & Sean Connery.


Sean Connery


Naomi Campbell
Astro Arwa

Astro Arwa

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My name is Arwa Ali and I am here to share with you my knowledge of all things Astrology.

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